This past week has to gone as expected. Don't you hate it when you really look forward to something with so much anticipation and excitement and then it ends up not happening?!?! I have been disappointed and had my feelings hurt this past week by a really good friend and sadly it looks as though they are just walking away from it. Amazing how a simple thing like getting a phone call saying "Im sorry" sometimes never seems to happen. I'm at a loss. But I keep telling myself that enjoyed the time I spent with the friend and move forward from here.
Coffee From All About Cha in Edmond |
Sunday I saw a good friend at mine at church that I hadn't hung out with since last summer when we both use to party. Its awesome how much the two of us has changed so much in just a years time. We had Coffee last night and talked a lot of past mistakes we made and how we have become the people we are today. It was so encouraging to have a friend listen to my hurt and concerns and offer the best advice possible, Give it all up to God. I have felt a strong conviction about some things in my life that I knew wasn't God's best or his will for me. In some areas I fill like it's hard to give it all to God and have to remove myself from relationships that do not honor God.
I attend LifeChurch and the current series is called "Toxic," this weeks title is Toxic Friends. A message that I feel like God has been trying to get me to listen to for a long time now. The more I am trusting in God and obeying his will the more I see that he is going to take care of me. Now that I have a daughter to rise my life can no longer be selfish and lived just to please my own desires. I am praying that I keep my focus on God because I know that people will always let you down and I have to put my trust in God and not in man.