Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year,  To a Year of Love and Health!
**Christina and I NYE Night**

Finally 2012 well I don't really mean that , but it's been a rough month! Between starting a new job, Ella being in the hospital, trying to paint an entire house so I can move into it, and then add the Holidays on top of that! I can't even read all that without getting stressed!
I am still in Landman training and STILL painting this house my brother bought so we can move into it some time this month! I can not wait til I get settled and get to a place where I can  start to develop a productive routine.

This New Years Resolution: Mange My Time Better !
Among other things like : Read to Ella every night, Make dinner at lest 3-4 times a week and eat at the table, go to bed early so I can wake up and go for morning runs, speak only positive thoughts about others, do a couple of cleansing and soul searching detoxes, and to pray and mediate daily.

All those things I will achieve as long as I learn to make better use of my time!

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