Thursday, September 8, 2011

Labor Day 2011

My Little Girl IS indeed a CAMPER! 

This week on very very shot notice Ella and  I took our first camping trip together! I worked late Sunday with my best friend Christina as we are closing down the bar at 3am she tells me I should go with her , her little girl, and our friend Dustin.  I am a planner and I like to plan things out so I told her it sounded like fun but in the back of my head knew on this 10 hour notice that I probably wouldn't go! Well in attention to being a planner I am also spontaneous and if talked into something enough will be all for it! On my way to pick up my little girl Monday morning at 10am I received a call from my good friend Dustin who was put in charge by Christina to talk me into going.  It didn't take much convincing for me to say yes.  I picked up Ella, packed up my car as fast as possible, borrowed my friends tent, and then was on the road in less than 2 hours!
Camping with Ella was a lot of fun! She really enjoyed herself and the outdoors! Christina did forget her tent but we lucked out because I borrowed an 8 person tent.  Even with the 5 of us cuddled in one tent Tuesday morning was cold! Plus with the on going fire banned that ment no bon fire....maybe next time..
Ella and Merrit- We made it through the night! 

 My Friend Rusty's Tent is Awwwweome! 

Eating Lunch on the Rode as we head back home- This little girl cracks me up!

1 comment:

  1. I've been feeling guilty that I've never taken my kids camping. I'm not very "outdoors-y". Or brave. (because: BEARS! BUGS! EEEEK!)

    You go girl!
