Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cheers to Healthy Mornings!

After reading Kris Carr's book CRAZY SEXY DIET I have been trying to drink purified water every morning with half squeezed organic lemon and a dash of cayenne pepper.

Let me explain why:

Cayenne pepper is awesome if you didn't know! It increases metabolism, helps adjust blood pressure to normal levels, and cleans arteries.

Helps the body stay alkaline. After reading Crazy sexy diet I learned that cancer lives in acidic environments.  Our body's PH levels plays a major role in our health. Every food was eat has a PH level. My thinking was lemons=acidic=bad, but lemons once metabolized become alkaline!

I found this blog post this morning and thought it was helpful! I now want a lemon press! It's amazing all the little kitchen gadgets that make me happy, I don't know when I became such a kitchen nerd!

Check out this  Link Below!

5 Reasons to Drink Lemon Water in The Morning

Nothing like starting your day off on a healthy note! I try to wake up drink water first thing! Then make a glass of this lemon juice+cayenne pepper water because I need my metabolism to wake up and get a jump start! Then if I have time and need caffeine boost I'll drink some yerba mate tea ( jitter-free caffeine boost and high antioxidant content). Finally Green Juice ! This is on a good day when my day goes as planned and I'll try to eat a veggie wrap with lets of raw veggies or a salad.

I am still working on my vegan diet and trying to eat RAW as much as possible, but it is a process I help to master for a new start this is upcoming new year!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this! I've also read Kris Carr's book & loved it. I forgot about the lemon-cayenne water & need to add it back to my mornings.

    Vegan dinner soon, please?
