Saturday, July 3, 2010

2 week update-

So the last couple of days have been a little bit on the frustrating side.  Ella has decided that when she eats she wants to drag it out for two hours of eating and napping. Napping with my boob in her mouth that is! (sorry I'm going to be blunt and grow up if your mind is going in the gutter! I'm a mom now for crying out loud!). Anyway I tried to move her to her crib last night once she fell asleep so I could then go to bed only to hear sad crying minutes later.  I first put her in her crib at 11:30 ish after feeding her, she woke up at 12:00 ish and this on and off again feeding/napping went on til 3:00am this morning! I cried somewhere in the middle of it all.  I was super tired and annoyed. I think my hormones were a little bit outta control too because I hardly ever cry, I hate to cry and yesterday it was the easiest thing for me to do! Ugh! 
I hate whining and I am sorry that this is what I am doing now, but hey I blog is an okay place to vent from time to time right?!?!?! Well I have been wanting to quit at the whole breast feeding thing, but I won't allow myself to! I know that it's the healthiest thing for Ella therefore I'm going to stick with it and know that it will get easier! I am making it a GOAL to breast fed till at Least September no matter what! So wish me luck because I need it right now! 
On a brighter note last weekend I bought a scale and since then I have lost (drumroll.....) 8 lbs! I am 8lbs away from where I was last October when I found out I was pregnant! It's only been two weeks and I have not been able to start working out yet so I am hoping next month will be promising! I have been eating oats and eggs in the morning, lots of salads, and then some dinners have been fish and rice. My weakness though has become chocolate covered nuts! Last night I watched a movie with Ella and ate extra butter popcorn with peanut butter M&M's what was I thinking!! Oh well. I have a little over 20lbs to lose to get to my goal weight and I am thinking I can reach it before Thanksgiving! 
Other than my struggles with breast feeding and my success at weight loss nothing really new is going on with me.  Ella is really doing great aside from the nights she wants to be up feeding forever.  My mother has been such a big help to me these last two weeks! Her and my dad just went out of town last night and they will be returning tonight.  She told me that I needed I brake and that she is wanting to watch Ella while I go out Sunday and/or Monday night! What a sweet thing to offer and I do need some time away! The sad thing though is that I really don't know what I'll do! Jessica is out of town this weekend and Tiffanie is in Dallas.... Some of my other friends I am kinda frustrated with but I am sure I'll figure something out.  Hell even if I end up driving around town alone for two hours it will still be a nice brake.  Being at home all summer long has started to make me go a little insane!  

1 comment:

  1. I wish I'd known you needed someone to hang out! I was in town this day and totally would have! I hope things are going splendid! Sorry it's taken me so long to catch up with your blog! <3 and hugs!
