For anyone has known me these last three years get ready to read this twice: I ATE CHICKEN TODAY! Yes, madness... Well let me start by saying it has been over three years since I have ate our feathered friend, chicken. When I was 20 I read the book skinny bitch which was followed by a list of other vegetarian and vegan books. I decided in Feb of 2007 that I was going to be a Pescetarian. Which basically meant I was a vegetarian who ate fish and other sea food products. The books I read really opened my eyes up to how awful the meats we eat today are, filled with hormones, steroids, pesticides, and antibiotics! The reason why I have been a Pescetarian and not a full vegetarian? Honestly it's because the books I read didn't go into much gross detail about the fish and my favorite thing is a nice SUSHI dinner!!! Yum! But really fish these days are no better than the meat we eat (well maybe, just a little though). I could go into all my research on how food industries have totally screwed America's health for their gain and profit but that would have me typing this blog entry ALL NIGHt. Anyway I guess the lingering question is why am I eating meat NOW? It all started after I found out I was pregnant honestly, which sounds odd probably. But I had a bad iron deficiency and my doctor really wanted me to eat a high protein low carb diet! How on earth was I going to manage that when the only meat I ate was fish and since I was pregnant eating fish was something I shouldn't do often!
Long story short about 3 or 4 months into my pregnancy I decided to eat a steak, I even had the craving for one! So my friend Jesse went to the store bought a filet to cookout for me and was super excited to see his weirdo friend finally eat like a "normal person" again. From that day on I will eat a steak every once and awhile and I also will eat Bison. Bison or Buffalo meat is VERY high in iron plus my family buys the farm raised with no added hormones.
But Chicken on the other hand is loaded with hormones and steroids! They are dirty and just not grown the way God intended them to be anymore! I have been reading lots of weight loss books and diet books lately preparing myself for this post-pregnancy weight loss and like you may all ready know MOST diets include the basic Grilled Chicken and Veggie Formula. So I started to change my thinking maybe I will just have to start buying "Farm Raised" chicken breast!
Today I did not eat organic chicken however, I went to a wedding shower and hadn't ate (DUMB DUMB DUMB idea) and everything had chicken in it. I got a plate of food and told my mom
"I know this has chicken in but if I don't feed me and my baby I'm going to pass out."
So that easy I ate chicken. GASP.
I can't believe it, without a fight, without asking if there was anything else for me to eat- Nope just ate it!
Wait thats not all! Tonight my Dad grilled Chicken outside and I ate a one of the grilled chicken breast! It was good, I didn't gag or even get grossed out! It's like I wasn't myself! ( I am not a freak I've just been against eating animal flesh for so long, I surprised myself)!
So I guess what I am saying is that I am now going to look for organic chicken to buy so that once I write out my diet plan at lest the chicken breast I will try to eat will be farmed raised and not factory produced. Although I will still hold to my mostly plant based diet and continue to try to eat mostly raw fruits and veggies, but Mama needs her protein too!