Monday, March 29, 2010

Food Rant #1

I watched this Documentary by filmmaker Robert Kenner for the second time this weekend and was reminded of the many problems in our food industry today!
If you have never heard of this film it is a documentary of how each year the food industry becomes more and more corrupt.  How is this happening? It's happening because big companies are taking over super markets and profiting big time for the price of the consumers health! Three years ago I read the book Skinny Bitch by by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin, that was the year my food diet would change forever.  They both are vegans and although I am not a vegan the more I read about our meat industry today the more I want to go one step father and go on a all organic raw food diet.  Well after reading the book Skinny Bitch I began to buy books and do more research about our food industry.  I'll warn you right now the more you read the more disgusted you'll become with our fast food america.  Although I believe its easy to read and change your eating for a week, month, or even year then go back to that McD's burger if you stop reading and choose to "forget" what you are truly putting into your body! My point is people need to be talking more about what is happening to our food industry as these government funded companies take over!  There is a heart braking story in this film about a mom who lost her 4 year soon to E-coli shortly after he was feed a burger from a place that was selling beef from an infected cow.  Can you imagine losing your child because the FDA's focus is more on profit than on consumer safety?? 
There are so many shocking facts through out this documentary that effect our life every time we put something in our mouth! I encourage everyone reading this to watch the film and then share it with anyone and everyone you know!  I am not some vegan freak that throws blood on people wearing fur or extreme hippie by any means!!! I admit I love Sushi  (Yes I love eating fish and I know once I start to research fish closely I may choose that it's not worth eating because of the growing heath risk).   The meat we eat today is different than the meat our great grandparents where eating years ago and it continues to change. America's food corporations don't want us to know what we are eating, where the meat is coming from (hell it might not be from the US!), or what disease and inflection the animal might have had that was "killed" by the antibodies fed to the meat before saluter! 
I think every one should become more aware of what we eat and then if you STILL want to pollute your body with fast food, soda, and so on... then go ahead! But why wouldn't you choose to live the healthiest life possible for you and your family? Okay, that's my rant about "food" for the night.

Tell me what you think, was it an eye opener? Did it make you mad? Will this change any of your choices??

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