Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Books: Belly Laughs (and prego talk)

My friend Hannah, who is also pregnant just 5 weeks behind my due date gave me this book last Friday.  Let me first of say how cool it is to have a close friend going through what you are! We had dinner last Friday and its great to talk about experiences and fears of being pregnant with another first time mommy!! I was so excited when I saw that she had this gift for me! This is the type of pregnancy book I enjoy!  I much rather read true, non-sugar coated, "this is the way it is" type stories than the boring pregnancy medical books (which tend to scare me!).  The book Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy was an easy and enjoyable read, I just read the book start to finish tonight.  There were chapters that spoke of subjects that really put me at ease while I was thinking, "Oh Thank God that is Normal!!"  It was refreshing to know that even Jenny McCarthy had some of these not so pretty and not so pleasant things happen to her too!!!

I will say that I feel so lucky (I'm saying this because right now I feel good) that I haven't had a a lot of the awful pregnant stuff happened to me, at lest not yet! The first trimester I did pass out at the post office and morning sickness STILL sucks or all ALL DAY SICKNESS is what they should call it, but I have not experienced mood swings and stretch marks.  I hope to avoid them completely, which is possible with only 10 weeks, right? My Friend Tiffanie tells me she doesn't think of me as being pregnant because I don't seem moody and whinny and that I pride myself in, however if you ask my boss aka my Dad he is very  aware I am Pregnant!! Mornings are so hard!! Getting out of bed is the worst thing when your up all all night having to pee plus just being tired 24-7!!! Then when I finally get to work I get off and on  sickness which is hard to handle with a long to-list starring me in the face!!! I never thought I would want to be a stay at home mom, but I envy them every morning I wake up to try to put in a full work day! Night time is when I feel my best (until heartburn kicks in) and its hard for me to go to bed cause I dread the morning! But over all I commend myself on being positive and I am so grateful for not having any emotional brake downs and mood swings!!! One day God willing when I find my prefect man to marry and we decided to have a baby I sure hope my second pregnancy goods as well cause I know I'll be bragging about what an awesome chick I am while being pregnant (I'd hope not to prove myself wrong).  

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