My Little girl has been very sick since Saturday, almost a whole week now. Which is a week too long! Saturday morning she woke up with a fever of 103 and was in tears most of the morning. I took her to the Edmond ER and that is the last time I'm going there! They talked to me like I was some young mom who knew nothing. The Doctor there told me she just had a fever that was from a virus, to give her fever reducers and that she would be over this in a couple of days. They did no test just looked at her and "knew." Later saturday night her fever reach over 105. I decided to take her to Mercy. They got us right in and actually cared about figuring out why she was so sick. They took a chest x-ray and said is was quesionable pneumonia. We left once here fever was under 101 with an antibiotic. Sunday she didn't show any signs of getting better and by Monday she was miserable and hadn't ate since Friday. I took her to see her doctor and was told it was a virus and continue with her antibiotic and she'd be better in a matter of days. By day 5 I was over it. My child had reach 105 fever again and was miserable. She was crying through the night and nothing I was doing was making it better. By wednesday I decided to go to Children's Hospital looking for a better answer.
Turns out Ella has Pneumonia and it is so bad she has only been breathing out of one lung. Her right lung is inflamed with this sickness pretty bad. She was admitted on wednesday and hooked up to Oxygen, an IV , and other monitoring machines. I was heartbroken to see my baby in pain and to know to she was very sick and all other doctors sent me home feeling like a young mom who was over reacting to a little virus. I admit I broke into tears that afternoon in the ER.
She was crying... I was was awful.
We finally got into our room wednesday night and the test began.... Today they are still running test and I am still waiting on a doctor to tell me what's going on.
But here is the good news....
Ella is eating now. She is no longer on oxygen or fluids and she is smiling! Hoping to be gone ASAP.
I am so over this! I can't wait to get back to our normal life!
It's been a very long week Ella's Mommy is drained.....
Friday, December 16, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Cheers to Healthy Mornings!
After reading Kris Carr's book CRAZY SEXY DIET I have been trying to drink purified water every morning with half squeezed organic lemon and a dash of cayenne pepper.
Let me explain why:
Cayenne pepper is awesome if you didn't know! It increases metabolism, helps adjust blood pressure to normal levels, and cleans arteries.
Helps the body stay alkaline. After reading Crazy sexy diet I learned that cancer lives in acidic environments. Our body's PH levels plays a major role in our health. Every food was eat has a PH level. My thinking was lemons=acidic=bad, but lemons once metabolized become alkaline!
I found this blog post this morning and thought it was helpful! I now want a lemon press! It's amazing all the little kitchen gadgets that make me happy, I don't know when I became such a kitchen nerd!
Check out this Link Below!
5 Reasons to Drink Lemon Water in The Morning
Nothing like starting your day off on a healthy note! I try to wake up drink water first thing! Then make a glass of this lemon juice+cayenne pepper water because I need my metabolism to wake up and get a jump start! Then if I have time and need caffeine boost I'll drink some yerba mate tea ( jitter-free caffeine boost and high antioxidant content). Finally Green Juice ! This is on a good day when my day goes as planned and I'll try to eat a veggie wrap with lets of raw veggies or a salad.
I am still working on my vegan diet and trying to eat RAW as much as possible, but it is a process I help to master for a new start this is upcoming new year!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thanksgiving 2011
Hope Everyone had a wonderful Thanks giving!
This year my brother Josh and his wife hosted Thanksgiving and it was probably one of the best ones our family has had in a long time! This was also the first thanksgiving for me to be vegan so I really didn't much, but I feel great and my belly isn't full, however it just doesn't feel like thanksgiving without the full stomach! Maybe I can stuff my face tonight with some vegan food as I'm drinking my wine and watching movies home alone with no one to judge....
Thanks Josh for hosting Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Green Juice
Every Morning for the past couple of weeks I try hard to juice up a bunch of green veggies and drink my breakfast. This past week I fell off the wagon when Ella was sick and I was working with little sleep. Lots of things feel through the cracks! My house was a mess, I didn't stick with a vegan diet, didn't have energy to work out or clean my juicer!
I wish I could say this week I am back on track, but it's a process I guess I am slowly working back into.
PMS didn't help out last week either! I just had a flash of all the chocolate I ate.....oooops!
Oh well it's a new day I am going to try to forget about what a slob I've been and getting back to drinking Green Juice will help my state of mind!
I started drinking the Veggie Juice below after read Kris Carr's book, CRAZY SEXY DIET!
-2 large cucumbers (peeled if not organic)
-4-5 Kale Leaves
-4-5 Kale Leaves
-4 stalks celery
-1 – 2 big broccoli stems
-1 green apple
-1 inch of ginger
I wish I could say this week I am back on track, but it's a process I guess I am slowly working back into.
PMS didn't help out last week either! I just had a flash of all the chocolate I ate.....oooops!
Oh well it's a new day I am going to try to forget about what a slob I've been and getting back to drinking Green Juice will help my state of mind!
I started drinking the Veggie Juice below after read Kris Carr's book, CRAZY SEXY DIET!
Make Juice Not War Green Drink
By Kris Carr
-2 large cucumbers (peeled if not organic)
-4-5 Kale Leaves
-4-5 Kale Leaves
-4 stalks celery
-1 – 2 big broccoli stems
-1 green apple
-1 inch of ginger
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
My Other Half.
We both are single hard working moms who are trying our hardest to give our daughters everything the world has to offer. We use to live together and we have worked together almost every job since meeting one another. This weekend was a rough one for us both. We both had very little sleep and not the best work weekend to make it worth while. I guess having someone to lean that wears "the same shoe" makes it easier trying to get to the light at the end of the tunnel.
I am blessed with many friends but I have always felt alone when my girlfriends get their boyfriends that take up their time or when my guy friends well just disappear for periods at a time.
Being the constant single girl/ single mom/ family black sleep/ workaholic is something Christine and I both share and I guess it's just nice (possibly selfish) to know I'm not the only one ...
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
OUR First Trick or Treat!
Daniel and I got a new puppy! Isn't she cute?!?!
Last night I took Ella Treat or Treating with my best friend Christina and her daughter Merrit.
It was not only Ella's first time trick or treating but also my first time! Growing up my parents were baptist and Halloween was not to be celebrated with costumes or candy. As we grow up they became a little bit more opened minded. This year Ella is 1, the prefect age to dress her up and let her fill her basket with all kinds of goodies. My parents have been in New York and my mother called me about 4-5 times asking me to send her a pic of us trick or treating (funny how much has changed!).
Monday, October 31, 2011
Vaccine Awareness is Next Week!
Watch this film now till Nov. 5th for free ! Please watch Epically if you are a parent!
Above is the link to the Greater Good Film
Im watching it now with chills and tears....
This kind of stuff is what I am passionate about.
This film does a good job of interviewing doctors from both sides.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Back again...
Been super busy lately and I have thought about so many great things to post about but have failed in doing so this past month!
Things I have been up to and/or super excited about:
Things I have been up to and/or super excited about:
- Ella's hair is starting to get darker! I never thought I would have a blonde baby...
- Whole Foods opened up this month! I have been a juicing crazed woman with all the tasty organic produce they offer!
- I have decided to become a VEGAN! The last two weeks I have been 90% vegan. I think the 3-4 meals on non-vegan happened while hanging out with some of my guy friends. They tempt me with yummy animal products saying "It's just a bite!" ... So I am not a HARDCORE vegan by any means.. Just trying to be healthier.
- Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr finally arrived Via Amazon and I am about half way into it and love her! She is living with Cancer and it's about the life style change she has made to enable her body to start healing itself.
- I am going to a Raw/Vegan cooking class next week with a friend
- Looking Forward to dressing Ella up this weekend!
- Need to get my big ol' butt back in the gym...
- Plan to blog more
Over all I just feel truly blessed in life. I love the people I work with and love the work gets to be my break and my going out time while I make money. I am thankful I have a job that I can work at night so that I can spend my days rising and watching my little girl. I have a wonderful room mate who is so good to Ella and I. My family is great especially my mother who treats me better than I deserve. I have two really close friends that always make me laugh and are truly amazing. Everyone in my life fills me with joy and I say this as Ella is crying and fussing about not getting her way.... time to tend to the greatest joy of all !
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
NO to GMOs!
Doing a lot of research today and I came across this video!
"Mike's Anti-GMO rap is not only great music, it's just the kind of creative way we need to get the message out to people who may not even know they are eating dangerous genetically modified organisms every day. Great job Mike!"
- Jeffrey Smith, executive director, Institute for Responsible Technology
"Just say no to GMOs is the Battle Hymn for our new Organic Republic. Take action against Monsanto and their mad scientists and indentured politicians."
- Ronnie Cummins, Director, Organic Consumers Association
Monday, September 26, 2011
Warrior Dash 2011
After Finishing the Race
This weekend I Ran in the Warrior Dash. It was so much harder than the dirty 30! Almost the whole thing was up hill! My calves are still burning! I did not do as well as I wanted to go, but I will be better prepared next year! After the race we also made the dumb choice thinking it would be faster to walk to our car then to wait for a shuttle. We needing up walking/running around 3 miles to our car after the race in only socks because we donated our shoes. It was a very very long day.
I am now training harder and looking for a new race to enter and prepare for! It feels great crossing a finish line!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I'm Hooked.
I have this best friend and we pretty much discuss everything. However, when he started watching a show that I had never seen before it created this exciting topic for him that I just could not understand.
Last week I was more or less ordered to start watching this AMC series called Breaking Bad then we would be able to talk again. I had been meaning to get caught up but never made the time. Since starting this series I feel like I have to stop watching it and make time for other things like responsible adult stuff!! Seriously this show has stole
I started watching Season one last wednesday and tonight I am on Season three. There are only three episodes left before I will be on the current season and can get back to real life, however will probably suffer from episode withdraws!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Cooking List::
I have my eye on the following things to prepare in the next upcoming coming weeks:
- Good Morning Green Drink:
- Wilted Kale Salad with a Creamy Chipotle Dressing:
- Lasagne :
- Guacamole Hummus:
- Tuscan Kale Salad:
- Vegan Carrot Cherry breakfast cookies:
- Whole Wheat Flatbread and herb yogurt cucumber dip:
Labor Day 2011
My Little Girl IS indeed a CAMPER!
This week on very very shot notice Ella and I took our first camping trip together! I worked late Sunday with my best friend Christina as we are closing down the bar at 3am she tells me I should go with her , her little girl, and our friend Dustin. I am a planner and I like to plan things out so I told her it sounded like fun but in the back of my head knew on this 10 hour notice that I probably wouldn't go! Well in attention to being a planner I am also spontaneous and if talked into something enough will be all for it! On my way to pick up my little girl Monday morning at 10am I received a call from my good friend Dustin who was put in charge by Christina to talk me into going. It didn't take much convincing for me to say yes. I picked up Ella, packed up my car as fast as possible, borrowed my friends tent, and then was on the road in less than 2 hours!
Camping with Ella was a lot of fun! She really enjoyed herself and the outdoors! Christina did forget her tent but we lucked out because I borrowed an 8 person tent. Even with the 5 of us cuddled in one tent Tuesday morning was cold! Plus with the on going fire banned that ment no bon fire....maybe next time..
Ella and Merrit- We made it through the night!
My Friend Rusty's Tent is Awwwweome!
Eating Lunch on the Rode as we head back home- This little girl cracks me up!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Forks Over Knives
I finally finished watching Forks Over Knives today and thought I was a wonderful movie which is now on netflixs! Really makes me question my eating habits and lifestyle. I am inspired by every book, movie, article, or whatever material is out there that contains information on the healthiest life style possible.
I am passionate about my daughter and I living a life style free of sickness and disease. I highly recommend watching this film.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Thank you Matthew Kenney!
Have you ever heard of Matthew Kenney? Well if you have not then let me tell you about this awesome chef! One of his restaurants is here in Oklahoma City called 105 degrees. I bought Matthew Kenney's RAW book before we even had one of his restaurants and the whole raw movement is something I love! About 3-4 years ago I purchased a VITA Mix and tried living raw, however my Vita Mixer only saw veggies and nuts for a short time before it started making evening cocktails! Fail.
The idea behind the Raw movement is not only living a vegan life style but also eating vegetables in more of their natural state so that the nutrients are not cooked out.
Yesterday my Dad and I had a lovely Dinner at 105 degrees and we both were in awe over how great the food was and how wonderful we felt after leaving! When my Dad and I use to go to Dinner we would normally leave the restaurant bellies full and ready to find a couch/bed. This is no longer the case! Times have changed and I can't be more proud of my father for the healthily life style he is striving to live every single day!
Yesterday's Dinner has me remembering how much better I use to feel when I didn't pollute my body with animal products every day. This week I am giving myself a challenge to go the whole week on a vegan diet. No meats and no dairy. I think my skin is starting to get that glow just thinking about it!
‘chips and guac’
fork crushed avocado, cacao-corn chips,pickled green chili, smoked salt, mole
local tomatoes, basil, macadamia cheese
the classic summer tomato lasagna
macadamia ricotta, sun cured tomato marinara, pistachio pesto
sweet corn ravioli
broccoli rabe, corn-mint relish, green tomato fondue
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Healthy Snacks!
Lately I have been struggling to come up with heathy snack ideas for Ella and myself. I needed to find some ideas that were easy for me to take to work and also some ideas to Ella would enjoy. I love read Real Simple Magazine because it's packed with great ideas! Here are some of my favorite snack ideas from: I am really excited to see ideas including hummus, peanut butter, and salmon! Yummmm! Today is my second cleanse day so I can't have a snack today but I will be making one or two of these to take to work with me tomorrow!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Pool TIme!
This summer has been sooo stinkin hot that I have not spent much time at a pool. This summer one of the best pool days we had is when Daniel and I took Ella to this ahhhhmazing pool! Daniel's best friend was house sitting and she was able to bring us to their pool! Wouldn't you love to have a backyard like this one?!?!?!? I hope to take Ella to the pool a couple more times this year. She loves the water just like her mama!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I use to look like what?
Tonight My bother found a picture that is over three years old and it hurts me to look at it! When the picture was taken I was engaged and I guess I just really let myself go! This picture is now on my fridge as a reminder to always make healthy choices and also as I reminder of how much better my over all life is now than it was back then.
*Feb 2008 VS Jan 2009*
And here is one from this past year:
* Last Day Prego June 2010 and then Post Baby June 2011*
May these Photo's remind me that a healthy life style sure bets the temptations of Junk food and being lazy when you look in the mirror! Also the added bonus by how great I feel every day I make good choices!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Ladies Night Out/Paseo Grill
*Our August Girls Night*
Last Night my wonderful sister babysat Ella for me so I could go out with some girl friends! I was pretty excited! I went to dinner with my friend Ashley who is the most talented photographer I know (and I'm NOT just saying that because she is one of my best friends-check out her work: and Kelsey who is a wonderful wife and sonographer. That being said it is really hard for the three of us to find a free night to go out. We went to dinner at Paseo Grill. I had never been before and was really happy to try the place out. We sat outside on the Patio and had some cocktails and got caught up on life. I ordered the Tuna Tartar, I want another one right now! Sooooo Good! After dinner Kelsey needed to get home and Ashley and I were game for staying out! We went and saw our friend Dustin who was Bar Tending at VDZ's and then a couple bars afterwards. We ran into a lot of good friends and had a much needed fun night out.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Chicken Kebabs and Nectarine Salsa
Tonight I decided to make a new meal. I also decided I would be using chicken. For those people who know me very well I know this might come to you as a shock! I was a vegetarian for years before I was pregnant with my daughter and since then I'll eat chicken every once in awhile as long as I feel good about the quality of the chicken. With that being said I haven't cooked with chicken in years! Everything I make at home is 90% vegetarian or I use Fish. Tonight I bought some organic chicken ( but who really knows where that even comes from - honestly..) and I brought chicken home to my kitchen to cook with for the very first time! Sam, Daniel, and Ella all enjoyed it with me! I am adding this to "must make again" list for dinners!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Giving it up!
It's never too late to become what you might have been.
-George Elliot
This week I have started a cleanse and diet plan. I have given up all alcohol, sweets, and any junk food! Today I had my first cleanse day and it didn't go as well as it could have. I had a couple of "health snacks" almonds and energy "snacks" that go with the system I am currently on. It's so hard to cleanse while Ella is teething and crying. I felt so sorry for her and hated that there was so little I could do to help! So I found myself a little bit on the stressed out side today and drinking my cleanse drink and liters of water just wasn't cutting it. I'll write up a better review on the system after my first week. Plus I am still researching deeper into the products. So far though I really like it and from what I have read it is a really great aid in a healthy life style!
I never wanted something so simple as a grilled cheese or peanut butter and jelly until I know now I can't have it. Today on my cleanse I came so close to caving in to some hummus! I sure do love my hummus! Thank goodness it's one thing I don't have to give up!
My Goal the next two months is to lose the last 15-20lbs that are hanging on for dear life, gain more energy, tone up muscle, and get my stomach out of this odd "I just had a baby a year ago" stage it's in!
I am so determined to reach my goals and look forward to sharing my results with you!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Last Nights Wedding
Last night my family went to my Aunts wedding. It was a small family wedding and I was so proud of Ella for sitting through the ceremony so politely! I was excited to get the opportunity to dress up! Before I got pregnant with Ella I use to wear heels all the time, these days that doesn't happen much! Wedding went really well ! Only challenge for Ella and I came at the reception when a "blow out" happen and Ella went from her pretty white dress down to her diaper.
*Romano Ladies*
* Wedding Date *
*Ceremonies must be tough for a one year old! *
*Love Chances to Dress up! *
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Warrior Dash : 53 day Count Down!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Got Dirty....Really Dirty for a great Cause!
"It’s more than just a mud run; it’s an event you will never forget. The Dirty 30 may not change your life, but it will at least change it for one day. Who doesn’t want to run a 5k in the mud complete with 15 obstacles along the way? Obstacles will include mud pits, fire jumps, walls and more.
We would love to tell you that it is going to be easy, but we wouldn’t want to lie. Challenges like this show us just how much we can accomplish."
Oklahoma's First Dirty 30 Race was this Saturday and I am STILL sore from the race!
The money raised went to two different charities WATERisLIFE and The Spero Project. You could also donate your shoes at the end of the race which I did because I hate cleaning Mud of shoes, oh and for people who needed them I was more than happy to do so!Honestly I was so scared about this race. I had been running but I was falling behind on workouts and I was prepared to look like a fool and just do my best because I couldn't not try! Plus Christina was going to be there and I had to compete to win against her! We all decided to dress up in tutu's and fool people into thinking we were just some sassy girls then get out there and rock it in the mud! And I think we all did better than had hope! I was so proud of myself and our group!
The only part that was awful was the heat and the the lack of shower space! They had the ONE HOUR long line of people waiting to shower off! By the time I got there I was trying my best to get the dried mud off! Christina and Jess rode with me so I still have some dirt in my car to prove how dirty we got! It defiantly open up a desire in me to enter more races like this one.
The Next Race to sign up for: THE WARRIOR DASH IN TULSA ! SO EXCITED!!!
Had a Great Time with such wonderful friends!
**Group Pictures Before the Race **
*Below My Friend Cassie Who I Was So Impressed With! SHE KICKed BUTT OUT THERE!**
{ I look funny because Christina told me to look serious,something I can't do well-hints the cracked smile}
*Can you see the Neon Colors Running to he last Obstacle?*Then Mud Wrestling Broke out*
Then we cheered Jessica On as she finished the Race!
"Go Blondie!"
My Best Friends and I after the Race!
We did it!
Left : Christina and I
Right : Jessica and I
Friday, July 29, 2011
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